ITE4065: 멀티코어 프로그래밍



멀티코어 프로그래밍

한양대학교에는 전설로만 내려오는 악명 높은 수업이 하나 존재한다. 바로 정형수 교수님의 멀티코어 프로그래밍이 그것이다. 첫 강의 개설시에는 A+가 하나도 없었다는 둥, 너무 어려워서 중도 포기자가 속출한다는 소문만 무성했던 수업이었다.

드디어 3학년이 되어 외부 활동도 어느정도 마무리가 되었고, 학점도 얼마 남지 않아 여유로운 마음을 가지고 수강 신청을 하게 되었다.


사실 이 수업이 어려운 이유는 수업 자체의 디펜던시가 강하기 때문이다. 특히 정형수 교수님의 데이터 베이스ITE2038나 운영체제ELE3021수강하지 않은 학생은 이해하기 난해한 부분이 많다. 물론 교수님이 이제 학생들의 실력을 어느정도 이해하시고 대부분의 (이미 배웠지만) 모르는 부분을 다시 설명하시고 넘어가신다.

정형수 교수님은 매우 힘이 넘치는 강의를 진행하신다. 원래는 2시간의 이론 수업과 2시간의 실습 수업으로 이루어진 3학점 강의이지만, 대부분의 이론 수업시간은 3시간에 육박하는 수업을 풀타임으로 진행하신다.


몇 가지 과제와 4개의 프로젝트를 진행 했다. 목록은 아래와 같다. 각 프로젝트는 영문으로 위키가 작성되어 있어 GitHub에서 확인 할 수 있다.



  • Lab01: pthread practice
  • Lab02: mutex practice
  • Lab03: get prime with mutex and prime
  • Lab04: make simple thread pool
  • Lab05: try vargrind
  • Lab06: boost::asio
  • Lab07: thread pool using boost::thread_group
  • Lab08: mariaDB Install and initialize
  • Lab09: Cscope and sysbench
  • Lab10: Spinlock
  • Lab11: Conccurent Linked List
  • Lab12: jemalloc
  • Lab13: Concurrent Queue


너무 악명이 높아서인지 기대했던 것 만큼이나 수업이나 과제가 어렵진 않았다. 물론 과제의 난이도가 처음 개설되었을 때 보다 쉬워진 이유도 있지만, 작년 과제에 비해 어려웠다는걸 생각해보면 딱히 그렇지도 않은 것 같다. 과제(특히 마지막인 MariaDB를 뜯어 고치는 과제)가 어렵다고 느껴지는 이유중 가장 큰 이유는 병렬적인 설계와는 별계로 거대한 프로젝트에 익숙하지 않아서 인것 같다. 물론 병렬적 설계는 매우 어려우며 과제 전반에 거쳐 수업에서 배운 중요한 부분들을 녹여낼 수 있어야 한다.

Final project wiki


There are several performance bottlenecks in the lock manager of Innodb storage engine, which is the default in mariadb 10.2. Innodb's lock manager is the first bottleneck, aiming to improve the performance of mariadb by making this part scalable.


This project is divided into two major milestones.

  • Milestone 1: Resolve performance bottlenecks of read-only transaction (due date: Dec 6, 2017)
  • Milestone 2: Resolve performance bottlenecks of read/write transaction (due date: Dec 24, 2017)

Analysis of lock manager

Milestone 1

Milestone 1 resolve performance bottlenecks of read-only transaction. Describe the process through how resolve the bottleneck below.

Implementation of milestone 1 can not guarantee the correctness of the write operation. Therefore, when you run a test using sysbench, prepare process is safe to run before changes to this project.

The reality of the bottleneck

See Image 2, Perf record of base model and Image 3, Perf record of enhanced model in bottom of page.

You can check rate of PolicyMutex close to 50%. However, it can not be seen in the improved version..


The Process of read operation is as follow. (The innobase on the left and right is my implementation.)


Figure 1. Innobase workload structure


In order to solve the performance degradation caused by global lock, the lock for the record is managed as a lock-free linked list.

My solution is separated by macros. See block of #ifdef ITE4065 to #endif.

Lock Insertion

Requests coming in by read-only workload call lock_rec_lock via lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock function(see Figure 1). The original design is to hold the lock before lock_rec_lock and release it after acquire lock. However, to avoid that locking, change the root to point lock_rec_lock to the lock insert in the lock-free list.

Optional: implemented a generic lock-free linked list for testing.

In the modified implementation, it is executed according to the following function call.

  • lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock
  • lock_rec_lock
  • lock_rec_lock_fast
  • RecLock::create
  • RecLock::lock_alloc, RecLock::lock_add
  • lock_rec_insert_to_tail

First of all, RecLock::lock_alloc uses ut_malloc_nokey to allocate and initialize memory for lock_t*. In RecLock::lock_add, call lock_rec_insert_to_tail to append lock to lock-free list and add to trx_locks. lock_rec_insert_to_tail is main implementation of latch-free design, using lock-free list to append new lock to tail of list. This process is handled using __sync_lock_test_and_set changes the hash of the previous node to point to current node. In case of tail of list is null, this means head is empty, so change head to point to current node. Order is guaranteed even if tail changes are requested by multiple threads because test_and_set(__sync_lock_test_and_set) is atomic operation and serialize contention.

Lock Deletion

When a commit query comes in, the locks released by the transaction are released. If release lock immediately, Other threads that hold the lock can cause problems especially race. So, using logical deletion and physical deletion separately.

logical deletion is changing state of lock to false which owner of the lock wants to release. And searching node in list of lock to detach logically deleted lock from list. If find the marked(logically deleted) node, using compare_and_swap(__sync_bool_compare_and_swap) to change node's hash pointing to next. So, other thread can not read the marked node even if contention. If compare_and_swap is successed, change next node's stamp to global timestamp. global timestamp guarantee that bigger than running transactions stamp.

Since timestamp can be used in all transactions, it is managed by trx_sys and incremented by fetch_and_add(__sync_fetch_and_add) every time each commit.

Garbage Collection

Even if performed logically deletion to lock, can't guarantee all of other threads not holding the deleted lock. That is why using logical deletion and physical deletion separately. Logical deletion just marking the node to say "This node will be released!" and detach node from lock list, attach to garbage collection list. In attach to garbage collection list using compare_and_set prevent race condition.

physical deletion is performed by the victim thread. Victim find timestamp which has minimum timestamp in running transactions and release lock iterating garbage collection list which timestamp is lower than minimum timestamp. Victim can wait with spinning if tail is changed while changing pointer of node. Especially tail is not pointing current node and next node's hash is null it's mean other thread change tail before changing pointer. check gc_hash and on lock_t.

This implementation is not very good for performance, As the number of nodes to be deleted increases, the victim thread waits for garbage collection to increase significantly. This can be solved by creating a special thread for garbage collection. However, I have not implemented it because can not specifically determine the execution or end time of a specific thread in the current situation without affecting other tasks,.

Object Pool

There is several implementation for object pool, but this is not fully implemented. The implemented lock allocation will be used to steal the lock from garbage collector that the transaction is ended when a new lock allocation is requested. The timestamp value confirms that the transaction has ended.

This object pool has not unrestricted size and it has an inefficient aspect in that deletion must occur before the allocation.

Milestone 2

Most processes that are compatible with Milestone 1's operation will operate the same latch-free. The write operation is called through the lock_clust_rec_modify_check_and_lock function, and the lock_rec_lock is called again, so the read operation in Milestone 1 is designed as latch-free and the write operation is executed with the same latch-free logic.(See Figure 1)

I ran the sysbench test to write to it, but it was not a problem.

But this is not clear and I am expecting that someday it'll get an error. (but not now... and this makes me difficult to debug.)



Figure 2. Whole design


There are some problem in this design. In my design it takes a very long time because one victim performs all the physical deletions. Furthermore, the latch-free design is not using innobase allocation method, so it is not properly monitored. This can cause a big problem for the whole system. The most important issue is that if you try to force mysqld to shut down before all of the physical deletes are done, mysql will detect that the memory has not been emptied and may cause an error.

This problem can be solved by putting an exception in the assertion process of mysql before shutdown or using supported utility to allocation in latch-free design.

So when you test this project yourself, you should give a lot of time after test and before exiting mysql.


Test on Linux System using sysbench

Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS

  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz (with 32vCPU)
  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz (with 32vCPU)
  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2666 v3 @ 2.60GHz (with 36 vCPU)

Sysbench 1.0.10

you can check the original result log on project4/results.

test result

Image 1, Test result

And you can compare perf log between base and enhanced model.


Image 2, Perf record of base model


Image 3, Perf record of enhanced model
